(205) 655-1629

Plantation Shutters: The Safe Choice

Cords on blinds and other window coverings have made the news recently for their potential danger to kids and pets. The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) reports at least 17,000 kids under 6 years old went to the emergency room between 1990 and 2015 with corded blinds-related injuries. In response to these alarming numbers, they made a move to impose mandatory standards on blinds sold in the US. That new safety standard went into effect almost a year ago.

The cord presents a strong temptation to small children and pets. They sense its allure the same way they know you just got on the phone and need quiet in the background. But the cord can spell real danger and the numbers underline how serious the issue is.

Plantation Shutters: The Safe Choice

No Cords, No Problem

And while this incremental move towards having no cords is certainly a move in the right direction, there is a safer option for your windows that prevents the dangers associated with blinds. Plantation shutters have no cords or strings. They operate with sturdy (and non-tempting) side hinges. If you’ve got curious kids or pets, shutters may be the ideal choice.

Plantation shutters have no cords or strings so are less tempting to pets than blinds.

We hear regularly from folks that they might hesitate to consider plantation shutters because they perceive a price difference that makes them prohibitive. They are often very surprised to learn that the additional cost of plantation shutters over blinds is very reasonable. And when they understand the added value to their home, the durability, and certainly the safety differences that shutters offer, the decision to choose plantations shutters over blinds (corded or not) becomes easy.

We’d love to talk with you about the differences between blinds and shutters and which option makes the most sense for you and your family. Give us a call at (205) 655-1629 to schedule a time for us to come by and measure and price worry-free and child and pet-friendly plantation shutters for your home.